Tsum Valley Rachen Nunnery

Spring Service Project Update: Anticipating Spring Construction in the Tsum Valley

Mar 29, 2022

As we welcome spring after a difficult winter, we turn our sights to the Tsum Valley once again ... bringing a little renewed optimism to our world.

The daytime highs near the Rachen Nunnery are forecasted to be 53 degrees fahrenheit (12 degrees celsius) by the end of March ... as they too look towards warmer weather. There are only a few short months before the monsoon rains arrive so this first construction period is relatively short.

We thought you'd like to know that the second transfer of $7,000 was sent and received. We have now advanced a total of $12,000 for the first two initiatives (construction of accessible washroom facilities and water tank/irrigation system). We look forward to receiving photos of the work in progress soon.

We learned that the Tsum Manager, Venerable Tenzin Lundrup, was not well with his health for sometime after he returned from Kathmandu to order project supplies and arrange contractors for the project. He is doing much better and back to work in mid-February. We wish him and all of the Tsum sangha members good health and happiness as spring returns. May spring also renew your spirits!

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