Karma | Step 12 of Awakening in 30 Steps

Jul 27, 2021

Causality Inspires Agency.

What are your thoughts on pop culture versions of karma theory like the boomerang effect “what goes are comes around”, or the law of attraction?

While everything is based on a principle of causation, the Buddha’s emphasis with karma was on mental causation. Intentions and actions based on body, speech, and mind in this moment eventually result in our perceptions and subjective experience in a future moment.

We didn’t cause someone to steal from us, but we did shape our own mind to perceive a robbery with indignation ie. “how could this happen to me”? fear ie. “I was so helpless”, relief ie. “it could have been a lot worse” or compassion ie. “maybe they needed it more”.

The Four Characteristics of Karma:

1) Karma is certain. An apple seed can only produce an apple tree. Virtue can only lead to wholesome subjective experiences.

2) Karma grows. Psychological causes aren’t stagnate they develop and swell. Don’t underestimate small intentions as they can grow to have profound consequences.

3) Karma is never lost. There is no “clemency”. When it comes time to experiencing unfavorable effects do so with acceptance and without further reactivity. We can also engage in purification practices to neutralize effects.

4) Karma is specific. Identify the right seeds to cultivate the garden you want to experience and share.

Reflection (Contemplate or journal on the following):

We have the power to shape our mind, what we do now conditions future perceptions and subjective experience of our world. Then collectively we can each contribute to the matrix of our interconnectivity.

Learn more about the gradual path to awakening with the Lam Rim Meditation course.


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