Recognizing All Beings as Kin Inspires Solidarity | Step 16

Jul 29, 2021

 In order to develop sustainable compassion capable of withstanding the strong forces of social negativity we need to also develop a realistic worldview, which appreciates our inter-relationality and interdependence since beginingless time.

What if we could see, that at one time or another, all beings were once near and dear as a kind mother?

What if we could never escape each other in the matrix of infinite interdependence? What if we focused on are commonalities, shared origins, mutual self-interest, as if all being were kin, members of the same family?

How do we counteract the negativity bias driven by survival instincts of self-preservation to lean towards difference, tribalism, and separation?

If we were one family, without escape, how would we treat even our most challenging and destructive family members?

Not saying any of this is easy or possible at any given moment, but it is a worthwhile contemplation to see what arises.

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