The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Contemplate the Benefits of Altruism | Step 21 of Awakening in 30 Steps compassion dukkha emptiness gradual awakening gradual path lam rim Aug 06, 2021

Overcome the negativity bias and conduct an inventory of all the success stories and expressions of human triumph.

Just as all social suffering has its origin in self-grasping in each of us, so too all examples of social flourishing have their roots in love and compassion.

Here’s the good...

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness addiction awareness dukkha four noble truths karma master your becoming mindfulness samsara three marks of existence Feb 07, 2021

In the first foundation of mindfulness the benefit or the hallmark is achievement of stability and vividness or pliancy. In the second, you have response flexibility. In the third, you have meta cognitive awareness and in the fourth, you have what we're calling meta cognitive insight. You can...