The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Quarterly Astrology Forecast with Lynn Bell astrology courtyard lynn bell meaning crisis pandemic sensemaking Oct 25, 2021

Our quarterly forecast with master astrologer Lynn Bell happens in the Contemplative Studies Program Courtyard October 29th. Lynn will discuss the powerful alignments occurring in November and carry us through into the New Year.

Lynn Bell has been practicing astrology for over...

"Nobody Understands Aion": Jungian Reflections from the Churn of the Kali YugaĀ Ā  aion alchemy anderson todd archetypes astrology carl jung pandemic sensemaking Sep 21, 2021

Discover more about archetypes, astrology, and alchemy as therapist Anderson Todd discusses Carl Jung’s seminal book Aion, in our opening lecture of the  Sensemaking the Pandemic series.

Even among the often-difficult writings of C.G. Jung, Aion stands out as a work of...
Year's End Reflection 2020 astrology atisha contemplative studies program dalai lama dorje zong nunnery geshe tenzin zopa karma lineage merit pandemic service project shadow tsongkhapa Dec 31, 2020

My dear friends,

As the new year dawns I offer my reflections on this year we will never forget. 

Despite challenges unseen in a hundred years we remained steadfast together on the gradual path and never faltered a single step. We made no excuses. Wasted no time. We forged ahead in the face...

Curriculum of Compassion bodhichitta compassion emptiness guide to the bodhisattva's way of life pandemic shantideva Jul 28, 2020

What are the main building blocks of Buddhahood? There is both the body and the mind of the Buddha. The mind of the Buddha is the mind that realizes complete and utter interdependence or emptiness and the body of the Buddha is of a compassionate, sensitive, capable, skillful agent of change or...

Free Webinar altrusim pandemic stress trauma webinar May 27, 2020

There is no template for the current COVID-19 induced world health and financial crisis.  All of us are trying to maintain balance in an environment of unpredictability and threat.  As part of our commitment to apply ancient wisdom and current science, mental health professionals within...

Touching the Jaguar: Transforming the Virus, You, and the World with John Perkins death economy ecology economy john perkins life economy pandemic spirit May 12, 2020
The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered widespread systems collapse. While the trauma effects of death, loss and economic hardship will be felt the world over, within the crisis there is also an opportunity for each of us to reassess our values, spark latent creativity, and inspire a new...
Economy, Ecology & Spirituality ecology economics free pandemic spirituality webinar May 10, 2020

The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered widespread systems collapse. While the trauma effects of death, loss and economic hardship will be felt the world over, within the crisis there is also an opportunity for each of us to reassess our values, spark latent creativity, and inspire a new...

Coping With Your Shadow in Isolation anger hero's journey isolation mcmindfulness mental health pandemic podcasts shadow Apr 23, 2020

"Week 2 (or 3) of this great global experiment in social isolation has been throwing up all sorts of shadow aspects in our homes and in our lives. I have personally found myself staring into some of my most punitive, frustrating, and angry patterns as a lack of distraction brings little escape!


The Pandemic & Economic Situation: Five Things to Know & Five Things You Can Do contemplative studies program covid-19 economy pandemic Apr 13, 2020

 One of the guiding principles explored in the Contemplative Studies Program is that we have agency. In the face of adversity we can become empowered to consciously direct our evolution towards more favourable outcomes.

What follows is an instalment in a series of assignments...

Vagal Tone & Meditation Perspectives on COVID-19 & Immunity contemplative studies program coronavirus covid-19 immunity meditation pandemic vagal tone Apr 10, 2020

 One of the guiding principles explored in the Contemplative Studies Program is that we have agency. In the face of adversity we can become empowered to consciously direct our evolution towards more favourable outcomes.

What follows is an instalment in a series of assignments...

COVID-19 & Immunity: Yoga & Pranayama Perspectives contemplative studies program coronavirus covid-19 pandemic pranayama yoga Apr 10, 2020

One of the guiding principles explored in the Contemplative Studies Program is that we have agency. In the face of adversity we can become empowered to consciously direct our evolution towards more favourable outcomes.

What follows is an instalment in a series of assignments taken on by CSP...

Ayurveda Perspectives on Immunity and COVID-19 ayurveda coronavirus covid-19 immunity pandemic Apr 03, 2020

One of the guiding principles explored in the Contemplative Studies Program is that we have agency. In the face of adversity we can become empowered to consciously direct our evolution towards more favourable outcomes.

What follows is an instalment in a series of assignments taken on by CSP...

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