The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Refuge Offers Safe Direction | Step 11 buddha dharma gradual awakening gradual path lam rim refuge sangha three jewels triple gem Jul 22, 2021

 What is refuge?

What have been our “usual suspects”, the sources we automatically turn to for quick relief? More than just behaviors and coping mechanism, what have been the relationships and subtle beliefs we have turned towards to provide safety and comfort?

While these may...

Finding a Qualified Dharma Teacher compassion dharma emptiness ethics find true refuge four noble truths geshe tenzin zopa guru lam rim michael roach scandal shadow trauma wisdom Feb 04, 2021

I think it actually requires much more maturity to be able to stay in the hot pocket of understanding the virtue of this institution and how the lama arrangement works and the qualities of seeking a master that's truly qualified and also recognizing all the malarkey and all the nuance and...

Spiritual Bypass: Conflict Avoidance in the Guise of Easy Going developmental trauma dharma geshe tenzin zopa spiritual bypassing trauma wheel of becoming Jun 22, 2020

In this excerpt from Trauma-Informed Dharma, Dr. Miles Neale talks about one of the many possible ways we can use spiritual beliefs and practices to avoid dealing with painful feelings, unresolved trauma, and developmental needs. What follows below is a lightly edited transcript of the video.


Creating Sacred Space in Community buddha dharma refuge sacred spaces sangha trauma informed dharma Jun 22, 2020

In this excerpt from Trauma Informed Dharma, Miles talks about refuge and how that relates to the creation of sacred spaces in community, what that looks like and how they allow us to learn and grow spiritually, together. What follows is a lightly edited transcript of the video.

There are...

What Does it Mean to Take Refuge? brain buddha dharma emptiness kobe bryant openess plastic refuge sangha tsongkhapa Feb 15, 2020

Excerpt from Class 3 of Find True Refuge

I actually want to put this under the point of what does it mean to take refuge. Now that you have the causes, what are the two causes? Fear and confidence.

Then what are the three objects? The reliances. You rely on the Buddha as the epitome, as the...