The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Spiritual Bypass: Conflict Avoidance in the Guise of Easy Going developmental trauma dharma geshe tenzin zopa spiritual bypassing trauma wheel of becoming Jun 22, 2020

In this excerpt from Trauma-Informed Dharma, Dr. Miles Neale talks about one of the many possible ways we can use spiritual beliefs and practices to avoid dealing with painful feelings, unresolved trauma, and developmental needs. What follows below is a lightly edited transcript of the video.


Let's Talk... the Shadow jung let's talk psychotherapy spiritual bypassing the shadow trauma Feb 13, 2020

In this Episode of Let's Talk, Miles and Heather explore spiritual bypassing, trauma, and the benefits of integrating Buddhism and psychotherapy. The thread that ties these topics together is the notion of working with what Carl Jung called the shadow, the unseen, unwanted aspects of our psyche.