The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Spring Service Project Update: Anticipating Spring Construction in the Tsum Valley rachen nunnery service project tsum valley Mar 29, 2022

As we welcome spring after a difficult winter, we turn our sights to the Tsum Valley once again ... bringing a little renewed optimism to our world.

The daytime highs near the Rachen Nunnery are forecasted to be 53 degrees fahrenheit (12 degrees celsius) by the end of March ... as they too look...

Lam Rim on the Road: Reflections on the Perfection of Generosity bodhichitta enlightenment essential nectar generosity paramitas perfections rachen nunnery service project tsum valley virtue Dec 04, 2021

Dharma teachings sometimes happen in mysterious ways, masquerading as everyday occurrences or through the behavior of unlikely characters. Several years ago, while working with marginalized populations, a patient taught me a treasured lesson. I was caught off guard when they handed me a package,...

Year's End Reflection 2020 astrology atisha contemplative studies program dalai lama dorje zong nunnery geshe tenzin zopa karma lineage merit pandemic service project shadow tsongkhapa Dec 31, 2020

My dear friends,

As the new year dawns I offer my reflections on this year we will never forget. 

Despite challenges unseen in a hundred years we remained steadfast together on the gradual path and never faltered a single step. We made no excuses. Wasted no time. We forged ahead in the face...