The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Sacred Activism in the Kali Yuga ecology economy localism sacred activism spirit universal basic income May 25, 2020
The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered widespread systems collapse. While the trauma effects of death, loss and economic hardship will be felt the world over, within the crisis there is also an opportunity for each of us to reassess our values, spark latent creativity, and inspire a new...
Touching the Jaguar: Transforming the Virus, You, and the World with John Perkins death economy ecology economy john perkins life economy pandemic spirit May 12, 2020
The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered widespread systems collapse. While the trauma effects of death, loss and economic hardship will be felt the world over, within the crisis there is also an opportunity for each of us to reassess our values, spark latent creativity, and inspire a new...
The Pandemic & Economic Situation: Five Things to Know & Five Things You Can Do contemplative studies program covid-19 economy pandemic Apr 13, 2020

 One of the guiding principles explored in the Contemplative Studies Program is that we have agency. In the face of adversity we can become empowered to consciously direct our evolution towards more favourable outcomes.

What follows is an instalment in a series of assignments...