The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Live Event with Tibet House US solstice sound meditation tibet house toronto sound therapy vajrasattva Oct 31, 2021

Emerge from the shadow of the darkest day of the year with Miles Neale and sound master Phil Jacobs guiding you through a ritual purification and intention setting around the virtual, quantum fire. Unified by visualization and vibration weā€™ll shed the old, while welcoming in the energy of rebirth...

Shadow Work bodhichitta freud jung purification shadow shadow work spiritual bypass vajrasattva Aug 01, 2020

The spiritual seeker sees our oneness with all and interconnectivity but it's only the true student of the mind that understands that if we're all one, we're also one with the ugly bits. Dr. Miles Neale explains in this clip from Return with Elixir.

We said that for each of the preliminary...