The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Finding Buddha geshe tenzin zopa india nepal pilgrimage Mar 23, 2021

Dr. Miles Neale talks to Jacob of Sacred Earth Journeys about the upcoming Buddhist pilgrimage with Geshe Tenzin Zopa to the holy sites of the Buddha in India and Nepal.

Learn more here.

Karma and Emptiness Are Your Greatest Friends emptiness find true refuge karma purification shame Mar 04, 2021
The following is a lightly edited excerpt from Find True Refuge.

How many of you feel like you're a terrible sinner? How many of you went through all the hell realms in the Yangsi [Rinpoche] book and all the negative karmas and all the things that can befall you and felt like you were a...

The Gravity of Awakening alchemy myth podcast psychology revolution tantra Mar 03, 2021

In Mind Meld 224 of the Third Eye Drops podcast, Miles and host Michael Philip muse about revolution, tantra, psychology, alchemy, myth, mysticism, why this is an incredibly transformative time, and more.

Four Parts of Karma find true refuge karma lam rim merit random acts of kindness virtue Mar 03, 2021

There are what are called the four parts of karma. We think of karma as one thing but karma is actually many things. Not only is karma cause but karma is also the effect. They come together. They are interdependent. You can't have a cause without an effect.

The root verb for karma in Sanskrit...

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness addiction awareness dukkha four noble truths karma master your becoming mindfulness samsara three marks of existence Feb 07, 2021

In the first foundation of mindfulness the benefit or the hallmark is achievement of stability and vividness or pliancy. In the second, you have response flexibility. In the third, you have meta cognitive awareness and in the fourth, you have what we're calling meta cognitive insight. You can...

Finding a Qualified Dharma Teacher compassion dharma emptiness ethics find true refuge four noble truths geshe tenzin zopa guru lam rim michael roach scandal shadow trauma wisdom Feb 04, 2021

I think it actually requires much more maturity to be able to stay in the hot pocket of understanding the virtue of this institution and how the lama arrangement works and the qualities of seeking a master that's truly qualified and also recognizing all the malarkey and all the nuance and...

Dependant Origination and Your Meditation Practice dependant origination master your becoming meditation mindfulness sensation urge wheel of life yoga Jan 31, 2021
The following is a lightly edited transcript from Master Your Becoming.

Sensation is depicted as a dude with an arrow in his eye.

From our mindfulness 'Awareness' workshop, in the second foundation, sensation, there are three types of sensation: pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. The unpleasant,...

Working with Anger anger buddhism master your becoming psychology shadow shantideva trauma Jan 29, 2021

Usually when there's shame, there's also a shadow, rage or anger. Sometimes we're more aware of the anger and less aware of the shame because the shame is more core and more painful. If you have lots of rage, if at the exterior of the onion there's lots of rage, it's designed to protect the core...

Buddhas, Tulkus and Narcissists alcoholism geshe tenzin zopa guru viking mentors narcissism podcast tulkus Jan 24, 2021

Miles sits down with Steve James of  Guru Viking to recount how an affluent but disturbed childhood with alcoholic parents and a narcissistic father drove him to self harm and dissatisfaction, and how he found solace and healing in religious practice and a series of influential...

Keep the Coherence debate developmental trauma misogny moral justice negative emotion polarization racism shame social media thought police trauma informed dharma triggered Jan 12, 2021

We all agreed in the workshop that we are living in a time where there is tremendous polarization and a tremendous upsurge of negative emotion.

People's hostilities are on a scale unprecedented. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook, but all you have to say is one word and people are ready to...

Free Astrology Workshop 2021 astrology free workshop praxis Jan 04, 2021

The cosmos and the psyche mirror each other, as above, so below, thus humankind has long looked to the stars for greater meaning and clearer direction on our collective journey of awakening.

2020 saw the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that spelled the dissolution of old structures,...

Year's End Reflection 2020 astrology atisha contemplative studies program dalai lama dorje zong nunnery geshe tenzin zopa karma lineage merit pandemic service project shadow tsongkhapa Dec 31, 2020

My dear friends,

As the new year dawns I offer my reflections on this year we will never forget. 

Despite challenges unseen in a hundred years we remained steadfast together on the gradual path and never faltered a single step. We made no excuses. Wasted no time. We forged ahead in the face...

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